Cradle Hill Community Primary School

Healthy Lunches

At Cradle Hill we are committed to ensuring our children eat healthy lunches. We offer healthy hot meals at lunchtimes with Chartwells, our local caterers. The current school lunch menu can be found here

We also understand that many families prefer to send their children to school with a packed lunch from home. Our Healthy Lunch Policy can be found here.

 Here are some resources that have good advice on making healthy lunchboxes for your children:

- This video outlines how to put together a balanced lunch box:

British Nutrition - balanced lunch boxes

and this handy leaflet also shows how to make balanced meals and ensure they are safe for young children.

The Eatwell Guide is also a useful reference to help you provide healthy, balanced lunchboxes.

NHS Eat Well Guide

You can also sign up to the NHS for 'Healthy Steps' emails which will offer helpful advice on reducing sugar, cooking together and including 5 a day for your family.

Healthy Steps Email Set Up


More healthy lunch box ideas can be found here:

NHS Healthy Lunch Boxes and more Healthy Lunchbox Ideas