Cradle Hill Community Primary School


Year 5 are taught by:

Mr J. Lewis-King (Octopus) 

Miss P. Kusadali (Orcas) 

Mr M. Jones (Dragonfish) 

Support by:

Miss Heywood

Miss Commons

Our Topics

In year 5, we ensure that learning remains fun and fulfilling, whilst maintaining the rigour that is needed to ensure the school’s standards remain high. 


The children's learning takes them all over the world in Year 5 in the following learning journeys:

Term 1 - What is an Ancient Civilisation?

Term 2 - What is an Ancient Civilisation? (Depth Study of Ancient Egypt)

Term 3 - Who are Britain’s National Parks for?

Term 4 - How is climate change affecting the world?

Term 5 – Why is Fair Trade fair?

Term 6 – What caused the demise of Tide Mills village?

You can find more information about our full Year Five Curriculum by clicking the link below:

The Year five Curriculum

Terms 1 and 2 - What is an Ancient Civilisation?

Over the next two terms, we will be learning about Ancient Civilisations. In Term 1, we will look at what makes an Ancient Civilisation and will learn more about Sumer, Chinese civilisations (including the Shang Dynasty) and the Indus Valley. In the run up to Christmas, our learning will focus in on Ancient Egypt. 

Term 3 - Who are Britain’s National Parks for?

During this term, we will learn about the location and history of Britain's national parks, and compare them to national parks around the world. We research information using a range of sources, and present our findings in imaginative ways.

Term 4 - How is climate change affecting the world?

 In this topic, we look at the changing patterns of weather that contribute to longer-term climate change trends across the globe, and how this will undoubtedly be one of the greatest issues to confront primary school pupils during the remainder of the century.

Term 5 - Why is Fair Trade fair?

In this topic, we will explore the development of trade over time and how this has led to the Fair Trade system. We start with learning about the Silk Road and famous explorer Marco Polo. We then find out about current trade between China and the UK. Finally, we meet farmers from the Caribbean (both those that are part of the Fair Trade system and those who are not). 

Term 6 - What caused the demise of Tide Mills village?

In this topic, the children discover the human and physical impact of the industrial revolution on Britain and more specifically Tide Mills by exploring a range of primary and secondary resources from throughout history.

Useful Documents 

Please click on the link below to find a full list of all the spellings your child should learn by the end of Year 6.

Year 5 & 6 Statutory Spelling List

Please see below our Year 5 calculation policy. Please refer to this for the calculations we use in school. This will support you when doing any Maths work at home with your children:

maths uks2 calculation policy.pdf

Parent Booklets



Key Information and Dates

PE Days (Please remember to wear PE kits to school on this day)

P.E. lessons will be taught on a Tuesday afternoon for all Year 5 classes. Children can come to school in the PE kit on a Tuesday. There is no need to bring their uniforms on this day. Children will need a plain white T-shirt, plain blue shorts/grey bottoms (leggings, tracksuits, etc.) and running shoes or plimsolls. All hair longer than the chin will need to be tied back and earrings removed or covered (we can provide earring tape if needed). All items of clothing and personal possessions need to be named.  

Ways to help your child at home

  • In order to promote regular reading, we ask every child to read for at least twenty minutes a day at home. This could be independent reading, reading with a sibling or adult or shared reading (you read a bit, they read a bit). Please ensure that the new reading records are signed every time they read. For every five entries in the reading record, children will earn a raffle ticket which gives them the chance to win a book at the end of each term.

  • Encourage children to blend words that they find tricky and ask questions to check their reading comprehension. 

  • Practise Lexia (if this applies to your child).

  • Practise spellings regularly.

  • Practise Times Tables using Times Table Rockstars.

  • Practise mental addition/subtraction and number bonds with Numbots (Same login as TTRockstars).

  • Use Doodle, little and often, to support your child's progression in Maths, English and Spelling.

  • For your mental health, use Headspace Mindfulness website. There are many great techniques for calming a busy mind and centering yourself.

  • If you would like some ideas for Mindfulness activities at home, click here.

  • Keep up with your children's right to be informed by watching a kid-friendly news programme each day. Click here for CBBC Newsround or here for the Good News Network. 

  • Watch these TED talks about different aspects of the Growth Mindset. Then watch them again :)