Cradle Hill Community Primary School

Welcome to the Year Two page.


Year Two are taught by

Mrs Karen Russell (Angelfish)

Mrs Amy Dower (Angelfish)

Mrs Aimee Clear (Clownfish)

Mrs Tara Mottram (Clownfish) 

Mrs Hooker (Jellyfish)


and are supported by

Mrs Greve

Miss Funnell

Mrs Saunders

Miss Johnston


During Year Two, each topic will take us on a learning journey to inspire  curiosity and imagination.

You can find more information about our full Year Two Curriculum by clicking the link below:

The Year Two Curriculum

Term One and Two

Our first topic in Year Two is Explorers! We consider whether Shackleton's transatlantic expedition was successful and why.

We travel to Antarctica to learn all about the amazing explorer Shackleton and his incredible expedition to the South Pole. We learn about how 28 men survived when their ship The Endurance became stuck in the pack ice. 

We also learn about the brave, determined explorer Matthew Henson who travelled to the North Pole. 


We discuss how Shackleton's achievements could have an impact on our lives today.

Term Three

This term's topic is The Great Fire of London!  We explore what changed after the fire. 

We start our topic with a visit from Samuel Pepys who explains how the fire began in 1666.



We learn about how London is different today.

During this term we go on a visit to Seaford Library.

Term Four

The topic this term is all about authors with a focus on Oliver Jeffers. We study similarities and differences between his stories. The children enjoy reading, writing and sharing their own stories using his books as a stimulus.

We also have a Science focus within this term where we compare plants that grow from bulbs and seeds.  Each class studies the life cycle of a frog by caring for tadpoles.

Term Five and Six

During the final two terms our topic is 'Where are the Wild Things?'  The children enjoy exploring the local environment and the creatures that live in it. We learn about how plants and animals live in habitats and depend on each other to survive.  


In the final half of the summer term we also have the opportunity to take part in Beach School activities.


How you can support your child at home:

  • read at home daily
  • Bug Club for comprehension
  • practise weekly spellings
  • revise number fluency facts
  • practise the 2, 5 and 10 times tables
  • TT Rockstars
  • Doodle for 10 minutes every day
  • use the links below to support daily learning



Year Two useful links

TT Rockstars Numbots Doodle

BUG CLUB Spelling Frame Lexia

Year Two documents

Year 2 common exception words

Maths expectation Reading expectation Writing expectation

 Year Two Parent Booklets