Our Curriculum
How our curriculum evolved
Our school curriculum was developed in partnership with a small group of local schools. Alongside an experienced school adviser, subject specialists from each school worked collaboratively to develop a curriculum, in line with the National Curriculum, that is engaging, interesting, creative and appropriate to our local community.
Since then, subject leaders have meet with specialist teachers from a local Ofsted Outstanding rated secondary school to review and refine the curriculum to ensure a smooth transition to secondary school as well as ensure our children are developing the skills they need for future education.
Within our school, we have consulted with all stakeholders, most importantly the children, and we have reviewed, refined and developed the curriculum to ensure it is the right curriculum for our children. This is a process that will continue, as our committed and dedicated staff continue to ensure that what we are teaching and our curriculum, is right for our children.
Would I change anything? I really don't think there is anything to change, everything is the best!Markham, Year 2.
Art and English are my favourite parts of the Curriculum, because in Art you can't get it wrong!
Miles, Year 3.
I can't think of a learning journey I didn't like!
Xavi, Year 6.
Curriculum Intent
At Cradle Hill Community Primary, we believe that a high quality education positively enhances children’s lives and shapes future aspirations.
Our curriculum has been carefully planned and reviewed to ensure we have happy, engaged children achieving their full potential.
We ensure all our children are valued and challenged so that they grow in independence and are prepared for later life beyond primary school.
We want our children to:
- Know more.
- Remember more.
- Do more.
Our curriculum is designed to develop the whole child and our aspiration is to:
- Encourage all our children to recognise and develop the core values of kindness, honesty, respect, curiosity, resilience and imagination.
- Instil a love for life-long learning through a rich curriculum experience that develops cultural capital in all areas.
- Ensure our children are equipped with ambition and enthusiasm to achieve well in the future.
- Support children to have high levels of self-esteem and self-regulation who are resilient to set backs.
- Empower children to lead lives that are physically and mentally healthy.
- Work in partnership with parents, carers, extended families and the wider community.
- Enable everyone to be proud of and a part of our community.
Curriculum Implementation
Across the curriculum there will be a strong link between the units of work and our local community and environment to ensure our curriculum is relevant and appropriate for our children.
Teachers support children to practice new learning, questioning for understanding, checking for misconceptions and giving direct and appropriate feedback. This moves children from supported practise to independence at the correct pace for them, ensuring all children are challenged.
Prior learning and knowledge will be carefully embedded into teaching sequences. This will be scaffolded to support children to recall previous learning and make connections between prior and new learning. Staff will model explicitly the subject specific knowledge, vocabulary and skills relevant to the learning to allow pupils to integrate new knowledge into larger concepts.
Learning is supported through the use of the learning environment that provides children with scaffolding that supports them to retain new facts and vocabulary in their long-term memory. All classrooms use working walls to capture knowledge, steps for success, vocabulary and key questions to scaffold learners to work towards independence.
Our children will be given a variety of experiences both in and out of the classroom, where appropriate, to create memorable learning opportunities, to apply their knowledge to wider concepts and to further support and develop their understanding and language acquisition.
Curriculum Impact
At Cradle Hill Community Primary, the impact of our curriculum is shown in several ways:
Within the curriculum, pupil voice shows that children enjoy their learning and are confident and able to talk about what they have learnt using subject specific vocabulary. Pupil voice demonstrates that they are able to recall their learning over time. Children's work demonstrates that the curriculum is taught at an age-appropriate standard across each year group with opportunities planned to challenge and deepen learning. Work in children's books across the curriculum is of good quality and demonstrates that children are acquiring knowledge, skills and vocabulary in an appropriately coherent sequence so that they know more and remember more.
Pupil voice and the quality of work in children's books demonstrates the deeper impact on children knowing and remembering more, the positive attitudes to learning children demonstrate as well as the consolidation of key skills. In core subjects, impact is shown through the progress and outcomes of children in national testing and summative testing throughout the academic year.
As a result of the curriculum in place, children's talents are nurtured and built upon so that they have high aspirations and are enthusiastic and willing to achieve. Children leave our school as well-prepared and enthusiastic learners ready to achieve their dreams.
More Information On Our Curriculum
Mrs Ellie Jones, our Deputy Headteacher, leads on Curriculum. Please contact her via the school office if you would like further information about our Curriculum.