Cradle Hill Community Primary School

Year 6

Welcome to the Year 6 page!


Year 6 are taught by

Mrs B. Parks  (Stingrays 6BP) 

Miss A. Rogers (Narwhals 6AR) 

Mr A. Simmonds (Walrus 6AS) 

Mrs J Hussain (Whale Sharks 6JH) 


Supported by Mrs Tkaczuk


P.E. day - Friday. Please come to school in your kit.  

You can find more information about our full Year Six Curriculum by clicking the link below:

The Year Six Curriculum

Autumn Term

Our topic for this term is Evolution. We will be learning about many aspects of life and survival during the Stone Age period all the way through to the Iron Age.  

Additionally, we will be reading the exceptional 'Wolf Brother' by Michelle Paver as our class text this term, experiencing the trials and tribulations (and tribes) of the Stone Age through the eyes of a young, orphaned boy who goes by the name of Torak.



Spring Term

Our topic for the first part of Spring is Natural Disasters. We will be learning about the different natural disasters that occur around the world such as earthquakes and tsunamis. From creating our own volcanoes to building a quake resistant shelter, we explore the wild world we live in.  

A firm favourite with our Year 6s, the text we study this term is Kensuke's Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo. We follow the adventures of Michael as he sets off on a tour of the world. 


For the second part of this term, our topic is The Battle of Britain where we will be answering the enquiry question: Why was winning the Battle of Britain in 1940 so important? Our class text this term will be Number the Stars by Lois Lowry, where we will explore the turbulent life of young Jewish girl Ellen and her best friend Anne-Marie.

Summer Term

This term, we continue to delve into the causes and consequences of WWII, with a particular focus around local history. Children will visit Seaford Museum, explore past maps of Seaford and hear true stories from local people about what Seaford was like during WWII. This will support children in answering the term's enquiry question: How did life in Seaford change during the Second World War?

Parent booklets



Useful Documents

Please find below a list of the Year 5/6 spelling words:

year 5 and 6 word list.pdf

Please see below our Year 5 calculation policy. Please refer to this for the calculations we use in school. This will support you when doing any Maths work at home with your children:

maths uks2 calculation policy.pdf


Key Dates

SATs week: 12th - 16th May 2025

Residential week: Monday 30th June - Friday 4th July 2025

Seaford Head transition week: Monday 7th - 11th July 2025

Leavers Assembly: Friday 18th July 2025



Spelling homework is set every Thursday to be completed by the following Thursday. Children are also asked to stay in the green zone on Doodle Maths.

As well as our weekly homework, we recommend that your child reads regularly and practises their multiplication tables on Times Table Rockstars.