Cradle Hill Community Primary School

Breakfast and After School


At Cradle Hill Community Primary School we offer parents flexible care wrapped around the school day through our Kittiwakes Club. 

Our club is run and administered by our staff who also work in the school during the day so they are known to both children and parents.  They are a dedicated team of professionals who focus on the children's need to relax, play and have a choice in what they do. 

We offer a range of activities, including craft, indoor and outdoor games, reading, imaginary play and construction. During their time at Kittiwakes Club children can choose activities that suit them best.

The Club is open to all children from Reception to Year 6 and aims to provide a safe, secure and relaxed environment for the children in our care where they can be happy.

From January 2024 our opening times and prices are:

Breakfast Club       7:45am – 8.45am                                 £3.50

After school Club   Session 1: 3.15pm  – 4.30pm             £4.50

After school club    Session 2: 4.30pm - 5.30pm              £4.00

A full afternoon session (3.15pm - 5.30pm) will cost £8.50

Children are provided with breakfast in the morning and a hot or cold snack in the afternoon.


Sessions should be booked via our online booking system. Log ins will be provided by the School Office. 

Kittiwakes 2023

Please see forms and documents below for Kittiwakes:

Kittiwakes Registration Form

Kittiwakes Inhaler Form