At Cradle Hill Community School we believe that all our children can become fluent readers and writers. We teach reading through Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised, which is a systematic and synthetic phonics programme. We start teaching phonics in Reception and follow the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised progression, which ensures children build on their growing knowledge of the alphabetic code, mastering phonics to read and spell as they move through school.
Children make a strong start in Reception: teaching begins when children are full time in the Autumn term. In Reception, we build from 10-minute lessons, with additional daily oral blending games, to the full-length lesson as quickly as possible. Each Friday, we review the week’s teaching to help children become fluent readers.
Daily phonic lessons in Reception and Year One are for 30 minutes a day.
Any child who needs additional practice has keep-up support, taught by a fully trained adult. Keep-up lessons match the structure of class teaching, and use the same procedures, resources and mantras, but in smaller steps with more repetition, so that every child secures their learning.
We aim for all our children to become fluent readers and demonstrate enthusiasm and pleasure in reading.
How to pronounce the sounds taught in Reception and Year 1
Programme overview - what the children are taught in Reception and Year 1
Year 1 Phonics Screening Check information