Term Time Holidays
Since 1st September 2013, government legislation has stated that Head Teachers are no longer able to authorise any requests for children to be taken out of school unless they believe the circumstances are exceptional.
Previously, Head Teachers were able to authorise up to ten days of leave from school for special circumstances, but the updated legislation is specific:
Requests for leave can only be granted in exceptional circumstances and family holidays do not fall into this category.
Children’s welfare is of paramount importance to us, and we believe that regular attendance throughout the year is essential for their success and fulfilment. When attendance is lower it can often be an early indicator of an issue and children can find friendships more difficult, and achieving their full academic potential more challenging, if they are not in school regularly. Therefore, we strongly discourage holidays during term time.
In the exceptional circumstances that you would like to withdraw your child from learning; please complete the below online form:
Withdrawal from Learning Form