A Message From The Head
Welcome to The Cradle Hill Community Primary School Website!
Welcome to our school, a school where children come first. Situated in the north of Seaford, we are a growing primary school catering for children between the ages of 4 and 11.
We are a three form entry primary school and opened a new Nursery Pre-school in September 2022 for 2 – 4-year olds. We currently have 655 children on roll and employ around 80 staff. Supportive Governors and supportive parents allow us to fulfill the school’s vision.
We believe strongly that happy children learn best and our aim is to work in partnership with families and the community to achieve the very best outcomes for
our children.
Our dedicated team of teachers and teaching assistants, together with the non teaching staff work relentlessly to make our school a brilliant place to learn. Whilst we place a huge emphasis on the basic skills of Reading, Writing and Mathematics, we also place a high emphasis on the teaching of the children’s Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) and in particular their emotional well being. We believe strongly that happy children learn best and our aim is to work in partnership with families and the community to achieve the very best outcomes for our children.
'Pupils feel safe and happy at school. They enjoy learning how to look after their physical and emotional well being.' Ofsted 2023
We believe that children learn in a variety of ways and our cross- curricular approach to teaching and learning, together with the extended curriculum of trips and visitors, enhances the children’s learning experiences.
'Pupils wider development is a real strength of the school. Pupils are proud to be part of this community and thrilled to have so many opportunities to help them understand local and national issues.' Ofsted 2023
As you look through the web site and read our prospectus and Ofsted report, you will notice that we maintain the highest standards whilst allowing children to be creative, have fun and live their childhood to the full.
Our School Rules;
Be Kind, Be Safe, Be Healthy and Be Honest are embedded across our school and we all strive to achieve the school vision, providing children with the equipment and skills necessary to lead a safe and healthy life, one which allows them to make correct and informed decisions and empowering them to take responsibility for their own learning and play a positive role in the community.
What makes our school different to the rest? The sense of teamwork, communication, kindness and a desire to be at Cradle Hill Community Primary School is what makes us unique. We all work at this school because we want the best for our children and our community. We hope you will come and visit us to see what makes our school a special place to be.
'Pupils show high levels of respect for one another and staff. Pupils value the compliment boxes. This encourages positive interactions between pupils and fosters a sense of belonging . Bullying is rare . It is not tolerated. Antibullying ambassadors support pupils and model expected behaviours. Leaders promote an inclusive environment where pupils feel supported well' Ofsted July 2023
Please contact us to arrange a visit where you will always receive a warm and caring welcome.
Mrs Andrea Keith | Headteacher